Sunday, September 12, 2010


This weekend was the 9th anniversary of 9/11.

If you talk to anyone, New Yorker or not; they can tell you exactly what they were doing when they heard the news of planes hitting the Twin Towers. I remember as if it happened yesterday. I was getting ready for work, listening to TBN as I was rushing about to gather some last minute things before I was to head out the door.  I was working for an airline during that time and I was supposed to be on a plane headed to Texas but at the last minute my trip was canceled. I forgot to update my family and my Dad called me wondering where I was. Unaware of what was going on - my Dad says turn on the TV....... the rest we know.

It was important to me to take time to remember.  I visited a memorial this weekend. Although it was not Ground Zero in New York, it still had quite an impact of how many lives where lost as a result of that tragic event. Each flag representing a life lost.  

Here is me remembering......

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